Choose from several inspiring current courses:
Future courses:
- CHAH (Choose History as the Hook)--Online introduction to History is the Hook.
- HIH Course—The original History is the Hook with all-new content and focus!
- HIOTH Series—Hang It On the Hook! How to use history as the hook to study ALL subjects in every time period!
- HIOTH: The Ancient World
- HIOTH: The Middle Ages
- HIOTH: The Renaissance
- HIOTH: The Enlightenment
Future courses:
- HIOTH: Revolutions
- HIOTH: The World at War!
- HIOTH: Current Events
- Bait the Hook—Prepare the environment for a Cultural Education.
- Hook, Line, and Sinker—Use History as the Hook for Breadth and Depth in education.
- For the Love of Humanities—Incorporate the study of Humanities into every subject.
- Mind the Gap!—Use an important educational year to “fill gaps"!
- Philosophy 101—An introduction to the History of Philosophy.
- Writing Roundtable—Inspire writing that Transforms the writer and the audience.
- Travel the World with History—Enjoy Travel, while augmenting your chronological study of history.
©History is the Hook, 2021