6/26/2018 1 Comment Bait the Hook!Congratulations! You’ve chosen to use history as the hook. Now, how do you prepare the learning environment for chronological study? Why, bait the hook, of course! Environment is essential in the historical quest for excellence of character, cultural education, and everyday leadership. What you will be doing is not the norm. Our society does not value the past. Your home or classroom needs to be a safe haven for historical learning. These four simple steps will help you bait the hook of history, enticing learners to cast their lines into the waters of chronological study. B-Be the example. Be the change. The quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” is attributed to Gandhi. Whoever said it, this is how any transformation happens, one person at a time, starting with yourself. If you want the benefit of an historical perspective in your life or your students’ lives, be the change, be the example, be the revolution. You are the only person over whom you have control. Be the person you would like to become or that you would like your children or students to become. Study history and its classic works. Discuss them with family and friends. Compare the principles of these works to principles in your own life or culture. Apply your new thoughts in projects or experiments. Write a letter to the editor. Create a new work. Experiment with the old philosophies—or the current ones. Be the difference. A-Allow agency education. “The only education is self-education.” People as diverse as Isaac Asimov and Charlotte Mason have voiced the thought in different words. Agency education allows the student to choose the path of his/her own learning. Advocate for choice. Permit freedom of thought. Believe the learner will select the proper path for his/her purpose, whether the learner is you, your children, or other people’s children. This does not mean allowing laziness or vice. Sometimes learners need moments of introspection. Sometimes they just need to get back to work. And they never need to seek danger or evil. What that looks like is up to you, the mentor. I-Inspire individualized learning. Agency and choice are, naturally, personal. So, I encourage learners and mentors to individualize each student’s education. Various levels of learning and interests are accommodated through personalized education. The objective is the same for each learner—fulfill your purpose—but the means, methods, and materials may be different. Do you or your student have a gift for mathematics or science? Learn about those interests—the history, the mathematicians or scientists, the mathematical problems and solutions, or the inventions and formulas that have built upon each other throughout time. Pick and choose topics, people, and events from the timeline that intrigue you and your students. T-Tie learning to history.
After you have prepared the educational environment with example, choice and personalization, make sure to tie your learning to history. Study your topic chronologically, the person or event in historical context. Don’t neglect connecting your topic to the other subjects it naturally links to. Learn about people, study their works, apply your new knowledge, tie it back to the historical background and forward to today’s current events. Bait the history hook and catch the love of learning!
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AuthorBonjour! I'm Bonnie. I love learning, travel, reading, writing, photography, and all things French. I am especially passionate about agency education, the humanities, and using history as the hook for all learning! Archives
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